Friday, April 10, 2009

Sorry about the out of date valentine's background- I suppose I was taking a break from the demanding world of birthday posts and billboard quotes.

Anyway here are some new pictures of my favorite nephews. First an adorable shot of Baby Aiden with his big brown eyes wide open!

And Now, an oh-soooo-sweet picture of the two bubba's taking a little nap together.

Don't you just want to squeeze these little cutie-pies, being all sweet to each other....shucks..I love it!!!

So other than going ga-ga for these little rugrats [above]. I have been doing a whole lot of nada (well, that is nada interesting.)
Here's how I managed my boredom, on this fine [overcast and chilly] Friday.

Viola! We got these great little canvas thingys way back when we caught the craft bug from cassie (when she still lived her...yeah....that long ago.) and we hadn't really done much with them, you know-no time- what with the school, and the homework, and the lazy.

Anywho, I am "planning" on burning all of you's* retina's with a mind blowing display of my unethical use of colors and mad* collage skillz. But since, I rarely quote/unquote finish my little artsy fartsy projects I figured I may as well blog it now.

1. you's

wrongful translation of "you", used only by inbreds and whitetrash of countryside Ontarians. Use of this word in actual social settings may result in loss of friends or life.
Jamie, you's not a gangsta, you's a wanskta

2. mad

Most predominantly used in the greater New York area, "mad" is an appropriate replacement for Northern California's "hella" and Boston's "wicked." In the common vernacular, it translates into "a lot" or "extremely." Can be used almost interchangeably with any of the above listed words. It's mad hot today. She has mad problems.