Thursday, July 31, 2008

Case of the Mondays

Hello everyone, anyone else notice that no one seems to post much in the summer except for you? It's probably because in the summer, days seem to either be frantically busy or mind numbingly dull- so sad. So everyone's caught between
1) being too busy to spend the time creating a post (rereading it to make sure you don't sound too dislexic, re-rereading it to make sure just the right amount of crazy is seeping in to your words to show people you have a sense of humor but not so much that your loved ones know its finally time to call the white coats)
2) being so bored (to death) that you can not possibly string an interesting sentence together if your life depended on it.
Which it does not... let's face it the only people who read these are blog stalkers and the nicest of your friends and both of those groups will love you sans-post or post. Well I love you too.
And you're welcome because look I posted!
(p.s. I fall in to the blog stalkers group- creepy, but you know you like it.)

1 comment:

J.R., Amber, and Co. said...

Ahhh... we love you, Lisa! Blog-stalking and all!